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Post by Dan »

Should the plated parts on a series1,1930 R11 be chrome or nickel plated?Should there be a gasket between the top and bottom engine case or just gasket cement?If a gasket,does anyone know the proper thickness?Thanks
Peter Gibbs

Re: R11

Post by Peter Gibbs »

G'Day Dan, I dont think there is a gasket beween the two halfs,on my R12 I used the old aircraft mechanics trick of laying down a quality cement like say three bond and the lay a piece of cotton thread from an industrial sewing machine down between the two faces. It works well. Dont forget to warm the crank case half when instaling thr crank it will allow the bearing carriers to line up more easily so as to locate the oil holes. Place the crank in then install the top half also in a warmed state about 80 deg C.

Regards Peter Gibbs

Re: R11

Post by Dan »

Hello Peter,Thanks for the information,i really appreciate it.
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