r25/2 _ information about model

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r25/2 _ information about model

Post by Robert »

Dear all,
Could anyone give me some more details about a BMW r25/2 model from the austrain police ? Green (deep) with white line and Habsbourg symbol on the mudguard. I might buy this bike and would like to know the price before ! Is it rare ?
Cher motards, avez-vous des infos sur une r25/2 de la police autrichienne ? Est-ce un modèle rare ? la moto est d'origine, d'un vert/kaki avec des lignes blanches et un macaron portant les aigles Habsbourg sur le garde-boue avant. Quel pourrait être le prix d'un tel modèle que je vais peut-être acheter ? Merci !
Robert de PAris, France
Garnet Grylls

Re: r25/2 _ information about model

Post by Garnet Grylls »

For more info and pictures of all BMW singles check out www.r25-bike.de They oprertae an extensive website with period pictures, specs, and mechanical tips. They also have forums in German and English.

Price is very dependant on condition and how much it will cost to get it into the shape that you desire. Most parts are easily available new and used from Mark.
Gerry Douglas-Sherwood

Re: r25/2 _ information about model

Post by Gerry Douglas-Sherwood »

Hi Robert, BMW produced 38,651 R25/2 machines (BMW figure) so they are not that rare, although those built to special order, e.g. to the Police and public services, would be more difficult to find therefore might attract a premium when put up for sale.
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