Engine protection bar-plunger frame twin.

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Philip Vergison

Engine protection bar-plunger frame twin.

Post by Philip Vergison »

My brother and I are nearing completion of the restoratrion of a 1954 R 68. We have an engine protection bar from an Earls fork model that is being modified to fit the R68's plunger frame. Looking through all the pictures of similar machines taken over the years, we have noted that the older frames very rarely are so fitted, and when they are, it looks like the bar is fitted "behind" the frame...which prompts the question, why? Is it because on full compression, the back of the mudguard on the telescopic front end hits the lower section of the engine protection bar?
Before completing ther modification to the bar, any advice would be appreciated.
Geoff Curtis.

Re: Engine protection bar-plunger frame twin.

Post by Geoff Curtis. »

Hello Pee Vee, Yes that doe,s happen, when I bought my R68 it had such a bar on it, also the matching bent in mudguard. The bars that go around the cylinders as the euro police bikes used are nice, but probably not as strong. Good luck Geoff in OZ.
Philip Vergison

Re: Engine protection bar-plunger frame twin.

Post by Philip Vergison »

Thanks Geoff, I'll stop work on the fitting of them. (it looks better anyway!)

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