R51/3 - Removing rear end plunger spring and cover

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Stacey Zabolotney

R51/3 - Removing rear end plunger spring and cover

Post by Stacey Zabolotney »

I don't know how to remove the rear end plunger spring and the cover that it seems to sit on. I see there is a hole in the cover which a Matra No. 284 should fit into, and I'd love to buy this wrench, but I can't find one anywhere. I tried using the exaust wrench and only made a nice dent in my perfect spring cover!! (Both sides of the plungers are apart and off the bike, I'm just trying to get everything apart to be cleaned and painted) Any help/hints would make my day! Thanks! (I also have the R51/3 shop manual but it doesn't really explain this area)
Bruce Frey

Re: R51/3 - Removing rear end plunger spring and cover

Post by Bruce Frey »

Hi Stacey,

Are there holes near the base of your lower spring covers? If not, you will have to drill a hole about...about 6mm diameter....just above base . The trick is to take a pin punch through the hole and tap the spring off its mount.

As I'm sure you have discovered, trying to "unscrew" the spring from the top only makes it tighter. Driving it off from the bottom is the only way.

Hopefully, you are able to turn the cover to position the punch correctly against the spring. One of mine was so tight (I made it tighter by playing around with it) that I couldn't turn the cover. I had to drill two holes in order to find the right location.

Good luck.

Best regards,


Re: R51/3 - Removing rear end plunger spring and cover

Post by Stacey »

Thanks for the reply Bruce,

I do have a hole near the bottom of the of the cover, but it doesn't line up with the end of the spring. I could drill another hole but I'd only be guessing at where the end of the spring is to catch it with a punch. I've also tryed rotating the cover as well, but I'm guessing the spring is on so tight that is holds the cover on just as tight. Hopefully there is a way to get the cover off without wrecking them.
Bruce Frey

Re: R51/3 - Removing rear end plunger spring and cover

Post by Bruce Frey »

Hi Stacey,

I think the only way is to drill holes until you find the right spot. If there is another trick, I would love to know about it.

One of my springs came off easily because the cover would turn. The other was jammed tight. I was able to guestimate the correct place to drill by the relationship between the top and bottom of the spring that I removed. It worked!
The only good news is that Mark has new covers available and they are not very expensive.

Best regards,
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