Bings still leaking!

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Bings still leaking!

Post by Pierre »

I have just put on brand new lever tops on my R69S carburettors and still the leak at both idle air screws continues to plague me. Thinking it might have been the needle seating on the bowl cover, I put in new lever top covers and still the leak on both carbs persists. My carbs are T120, #1/26/75-76. Is it possible that in both cases the floats are floating too high when the fuel shuts off? If so, should I try to bend the tabs so that the gas level in the bowl is lowered? What else can be done. My floats are in excellent condition, all jets are new and new jet needles have been installed.
Bruce Frey

Re: Bings still leaking!

Post by Bruce Frey »

Hi Pierre,

Your question is out of my league, but I suggest you contact the Bing Agency. They have answered some questions for me by email.

Their website is

and email is

Please post the problem/soolution when you find it. I'm curious.

Good luck,


Re: Bings still leaking!

Post by pierre »

Thanks for response Bruce. I did send an email to the Bing Agency at same time I put this problem on the Forum. I hope to get feedback by Monday. Actually, the lever tops did correct the problem considerally but there is still fuel dripping accasionally from both. If I rub my finger ever so slightly about the air idle unit, petrol appears as if the movement creates a suction within. I think I am almost there but would like to know if it is ok to bend the tab slightly or add a second washer on the float needle between the float and the tab? Will let you know what Bing come up with.
Bruce Frey

Re: Bings still leaking!

Post by Bruce Frey »

Hi Pierre,

Monday may be optimistic, as it took a few days for them to answer me. Is this a problem when it is sitting with the fuel turned on and engine off, or with the engine running...or both.

Best regards,

Pierre Michaud

Re: Bings still leaking!

Post by Pierre Michaud »

Hi Bruce,

This is a problem when tap is on and engine is off.Even with tap off it takes a good while to stop. I just finished checking all the jets and stuff in one of the carbs and all part #'s are proper. I figure that the lever tops/float are functioning properly but my gas level in the bowl is too high. Have you ever heard of someone having to bend the tabs slightly to lower the gas level in the boal with these lever tops?

Re: Bings still leaking!

Post by »

My R60 gushes fuel out of the idle mixture assembly when on the side stand.
The owners manual as good as says this is supposed to happen when an excess of fuel is within one or other of the fuel bowls. No amount of special sealing tapes or gasket compounds will cure it.
May sound basic but all I do now is switch off the fuel as I come to rest and run the engine for 30 seconds. Result no leaks.
Both my R60 and my R26 leak out of the fuel bowl top but not enough to worry about, must be a feature Bing were proud of and retained!
All the best.
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