Thrust washers R60/5

Restoration forum
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Jurgens van der Walt

Thrust washers R60/5

Post by Jurgens van der Walt »

I have one question regarding replacement of the dowels in the crank case can anybody help me my bike is stranded for one year becouse of a fualt that i made restoring it
Allan Atherton

Re: Thrust washers R60/5

Post by Allan Atherton »

Thrust washers and placement of dowels in the crank case...this is not clear. Can you describe your question in more detail. What are other words for these parts, what were you trying to do, and what did you do wrong?

Re: Thrust washers R60/5

Post by jurgens »

what hapend was that i took the motor apart to have the heads check in the proses of puting it back together i mistakenly tilt the motor to much foward and the thrust washers around the crank fell out , in the process of puting back the flywheel i press dents into the washer now i do have one serious problem the supliers told me that i will need to buy a new crank case as no person have ever repaird the problem that has halted my driving pleasure
Allan Atherton

Re: Thrust washers R60/5

Post by Allan Atherton »

Copy that paragraph and paste it into a message to the /5 Yahoogroup.

You may need to do some more explaining, but they should be able to tell you the best way to repair your engine.
Jurgens Van der Walt

Re: Thrust washers R60/5

Post by Jurgens Van der Walt »

I can thank fully say that the problem seems to be solved what hapend is when i wrongfully thiten the flywheel i presed the studs that keep the thrust washers from spinning past the uotside edge of the washer witch ment that the flywheel was stuck and when i ask the dealer what can i do they said that i need to get new crank cace to make a long story short the bike will run this weekend
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