/2 ignition

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Jimmy Weston

/2 ignition

Post by Jimmy Weston »

On my '66 R50/2, I have had repeated ignition failures. It started with the failure
of the original ignition coil. I have since replaced the points, condensor, coil, spark
plugs, and plug wires.I have set the mag, dwell and ignition timing to proper specs
and have verified proper timing advance.After installation of new parts, it ran great
for about 600 miles untill the new coil failed. After the second coil replacement, I
have been unable to get the bike to run properly. It will idle nicely but with an increase
in RPM, the spark at the points gets brighter and hotter untill it starts missfiring
and the spark arcs to ground. Any suggestions?
Mark Huggett

Re: /2 ignition

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi Jimmy,

You are one of many unfortunates who has made the hard experience with repro ignition coils. In plain terms, whats on the market todate is junk. We have our old coils rewound to original spec, and sell them only in exchange against the old original so that we get enough carcasses. We also carry repros for those customers who don't want to take our advice and insist on buying junk. If you send us the old original coil, we will send you a rewound one that works!

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH
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