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Painting a R 25/2

Posted: Sun 25. Mar 2001, 15:32
by Ettore Lucchi
Can anyone tell me how large is the central silver ribbon on the R 25/2 wheel rims ?
In my byke , found in Grece , the generator cover is cromed .In all the picture I saw , it is mat black . The old former owner said me that he never changed the colour of the cover .
Can anyone tell me if there were some series with cromed cover ?

Many thank by Ettore

Re: Painting a R 25/2

Posted: Mon 26. Mar 2001, 15:04
by Karl
Hallo Ettore,

in the first years after WWII crome was very rare and expencive. So the first BMW R25 (also called R25/1 or sometimes R25/0) had almost no crome-parts (I think, the only parts with crome were: the handle-bar; the ring at the headlight; kickstarter; the hardy-disc at the kardan and the kardan itself).

After that, the R25/2 was build in the early 50ies. It was the first R25 with some crome-parts. New: the crome-cover of the generator; rim´s; fork and the feather of the seat.

So the former owner of your bike is right: the cover of your generator should have NO painting (only the R25/1 had it).

Hope I could help you,

Best regards,


Picture of a R25/2

Posted: Tue 27. Mar 2001, 13:22
by Karl
Hi again,

I found a nice picture of a R25/2.

Have a look at:



Re: Picture of a R25/2

Posted: Wed 28. Mar 2001, 06:18
by rolf
Hallo Karl,
as seen at the photo, the cover was not chromed.

Re: Picture of a R25/2

Posted: Wed 28. Mar 2001, 13:38
by Karl
Hi Rolf,

maybe I understood something wrong. I thought that "generator" means in german "Lichtmaschine" and its cover is "Lichtmaschinen-Deckel", or not?

Have a look at the picture - its definetly chromed.

But maybe I made a mistake and Ettore asked something about the "Zylinderkopf". The "Zylinderkopf" (cylinder-head?) is painted black (the so called "Mohrenkopf"), because of a better cooling-ability.

Please correct me if I said something wrong.

Best wishes,


Re: Picture of a R25/2

Posted: Thu 29. Mar 2001, 05:46
by rolf
Hallo Karl,
it is right ,I also mean
the Lichtmaschinendeckel. Even the R 26 hasn`t a chromed cover. Both were only silver painted like the oilpan(instead of black painted covers for the R25).Maybe we see it different, but compare the shiny gloss of the definitely chrome parts (plunger covers,headlightring etc.) with the cover , it has the same dull gloss as the oilpan. The oilpan wasn`t chromed, definitely.

Re: Picture of a R25/2

Posted: Thu 29. Mar 2001, 11:05
by Karl
Hi Rolf,

(this time a reply in german)

na, da hab ich wieder was dazu gelernt! :-)

Ich habe nicht gewußt, dass die R25/2+ silberfarbig ANGESTRICHENE LiMa-Deckel hatten. Ich habe selber einen /2er Deckel und der IST verchromt (es kann natürlich gut sein, dass sich den mal jemand selber in einer "Hinterhof-Werkstatt" verchromen lassen hat).


R25/1: SCHWARZ angemalte Deckel
R25/2-R26: SILBERN angemalte Deckel
(und KEIN Chrom; es sei denn "Do-It-Yourself")

Danke Rolf für die Tips & Richtigstellung

Viele Grüße,
