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Swing arm on earls fork

Posted: Sat 21. Apr 2001, 02:54
by Darrell Price
I have to remove the swing arm on earls fork in order to paint it. I have the cap bolt off on the left side, in a book that i have it says that the bolt is suppose to slide out, however, the bolt will not come after trying to turn the opposite side with a wrench and numerous attempts to try to beat it out with a rubber mallet. Is there another bolt somewhere that needs to be removed as well?

Re: Swing arm on earls fork

Posted: Sun 22. Apr 2001, 00:51
by Allan Atherton
The front swingarm axle or bolt can be very hard to remove, especially if it has been removed before, which is often the case. There can be a lot of friction and binding of the bolt in the fork's hole. And, it is possible that the bearings are frozen into the bolt and will destroy it during removal.
This is not a straight bolt, but is full width at each end where the bearings are, then it narrows in the middle.
Take a look at ... 7Rest.html to see all the trouble I had removing this bolt.
Try lubing both ends with WD-40 and use a real hammer instead of a rubber hammer, while twisting with a wrench.

Re: Swing arm on earls fork

Posted: Mon 23. Apr 2001, 23:17
by Allan Atherton
"...especially if it has been removed before" should read "especially if it has NEVER been removed before".