Dear Allan
Thank you so much for your answer about the dealer Drenowatz. On the forum
of our Swiss Club "FAM" - Friends of old motorcycles - I actually got an
answer of a grandson of Mr Drenowatz. He and his son actually were the
owners of the Radex company - amazing.
I own a R 67/2 and a R 25/3 for almost 15 years now and my first real
motorcycle also was a R 26 about 22 years ago. The R 26 is still waiting for
better times and a restauration.
I was reading your restauration story of your R 27 on your homepage with big
interest just about a few weeks ago.
Last year I was riding through Louisville in summer. As I was a tourguide
for the Edelweiss Bike Travel company I met lots of US Americans the last
few years. Some of them were out of E-town, KY. Maybe you know the Swope
family and their car dealerships. One very good friend of mine is Carl Swope
and his wife Anne and Larry and Vicky Schmidt of E-town. This year I
organized an Alps - Italy tour for them and some other friends.
This is the answer of Mr Drenowatz:
RE:C. A. Drenowatz, Händler in Zürich, um 1950
Hallo Herr Schrott
Mein Grossvater und Vater haben waren in den 50er/60er und 70er Jahren
Inhaber der Fa. Radex AG an der Eugen-Huberstrasse in Zürich Altsetten.
Die Radex AG war im Besitz von div. Generalvertretungen u. a. der BMW
Motorräder. Aufgrund von Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen meinem Vater und
meinem Grossvater schied mein Vater in den 70er Jahren aus der Radex AG aus,
worauf einige Jahre später die verschiedenen Vertretungen abgegeben wurden
und die Fa. Radex AG aufgelöst wurde.
Aus dieser Zeit sind keine Unterlagen mehr vorhanden. Ich hoffe Ihnen so
gedient zu haben.
Bernhard Drenowatz
And here is the link to our FAM homepage - it is worth a visit. We are about
seven million people in Switzerland and our club has more than 2'500 members
(and most of them own more than one bike...) It's mostly because not so much
has been destroyed here during the last wars - and because this is a wealthy
country with lots of fantastic crafts people.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge