Plunger Frame Suspension Question....

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Stacey Zabolotney

Plunger Frame Suspension Question....

Post by Stacey Zabolotney »

I just finished restoring my 1954 R51/3. I've only put on 200km on it and I noticed the final drive side plunger has hyperextended and caught on the bottom dust sleeve (which was new). (The bottom dust sleeve is caught on the sleeve that is molded into the final drive.) I'll have to order a new bottom sleeve as it is real mangled, but what would stop the same thing from happening again? Has this happened to anyone else? And is there a way to solve it?

Thanks! Stacey

Re: Plunger Frame Suspension Question....

Post by rolf »

Hallo Stacey,
this happened because your bottom dust sleeve wasn`t fixed enough, so it can tip over.
You have to check the fixing after you jammed the iron tube (which fixed the dust sleeve).
Sometimes when these iron tube was fixed by the screw (at the bottom of the frame) it moved (a little bit) upwards and loosen the dust sleeve.
I hope you understand my poor english.

Re: Plunger Frame Suspension Question....

Post by stacey »

Hi Rolf,

That makes perfect sense... I didn't tap the middle tube down to the bottom, , this will also save my other side (which is loose)

thanks, stacey
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