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too much vibration on R26

Posted: Mon 22. Apr 2002, 09:17
by itt thailand
My R26 get too much vibration. How to get rid of it.

Re: too much vibration on R26

Posted: Mon 22. Apr 2002, 11:59
by Geoff
Best solution is to get a twin,all the 250's do vibrate a lot at various speeds.

Re: too much vibration on R26

Posted: Tue 23. Apr 2002, 22:01
by David
Yes, the R26 does vibrate too much. Tht's one reason the R27 had a rubber isolated engine mounting configuration. In a short time, my R26 vibrations cracked the front fender on both ends, front and rear edge, caused the exhaust pipe nut to come off numerous times and eventuually cause the threads to strip, broke off a cast aluminum bar end mirror, and I am sure there wer other vibration cracks on the sheet metal. Oh yea, I have also had the odomoter wheels come loose and fall off the end of their shaft.
That's life in thmper land.

Re: too much vibration on R26

Posted: Tue 23. Apr 2002, 22:39
by Allan Atherton
I have an R27, and R60/2 and an R69US. As for vibration, the R27 is the smoothest of them all at speeds of 45 mph and up. At 65 mph the R27 is smooth as glass, while a little vibration can be felt in the twins.
At lower speeds the R27 throbs gently, but does not vibrate. The rubber mounting of the engine is really effective.

Re: too much vibration on R26

Posted: Thu 25. Apr 2002, 10:38
by Mark Huggett
Check out an old message that I wrote some time back. Search under "R26 piston rod and rear light"