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R 27 Quietschen der Hardyscheibe

Posted: Wed 3. Jul 2002, 20:27
by Lutz Horand
Wenn ich das Hinterrad im Stand mit der Hand drehe, quietscht die Kardanwelle an der Hardyscheibe seit kurzer Zeit ziemlich laut. Nur ein akustischer Schönheitsfehler oder ein echtes Problem? Wer weiss Rat?

Re: R 27 Quietschen der Hardyscheibe

Posted: Wed 3. Jul 2002, 21:04
by Allan Atherton
I installed a new Hardy disk for my R27 about 4500 miles ago. I applied some grease to make it quiet, but it has always made a soft sqeak when the wheel is turned. It is not loud, and it occurs once per revolution. This sound has remained the same for 4500 miles, so I think it is normal.

Re: R 27 Quietschen der Hardyscheibe

Posted: Sun 7. Jul 2002, 19:06
by Allan Atherton
It is also possible that the Hardy disk is rubbing against the cast aluminum cover. You can increase the clearance of the cover by installing one or two washers under each screw.