R90S oil consumption

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Michele Varcasia

R90S oil consumption

Post by Michele Varcasia »

Dear sirs,
What do you think could be considered the "right" oil consumption for a R90S ?
The official BMW Workshop manual talks of 0,1 kg/100 km (max value), isn't it too much?


Re: R90S oil consumption

Post by Rolf »

hallo Michele,
BMW talks always of that 0.1l oil consumption,
it was the same for my R67/2 and so on. I think they will have no reclamatins if it happens truly. When I have a oil consumtion of 0.25l per 1000km, I know that my piston has to be renewed. I never (since 30 years) have a consumption of 0.1l per 100 km.
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