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Posted: Mon 9. Dec 2002, 23:42
by Steven Lyons
I am looking at a 1939 R51 that has the correct engine number of 505 895, but a frame number of 515 655 that is several hundred beyond the listed frames for the prewar plunger bikes. Would this be a replacement frame manufactured for repair? How about frames made for racing bikes? I thought that repair frames were made without a number and the original VIN was stamped on them at the time of repair. Any thoughts? Mark, can you help with this one? The bike does not have an original data plate. The wheels and forks appear correct.

Re: R51

Posted: Fri 14. Feb 2003, 21:26
by Michel Desclèves
Hello Steven,
did you receive any response to your question ?
I am interested in because I am restoring a R51/3 1954 model.

Re: R51

Posted: Mon 24. Feb 2003, 22:27
by Steven Lyons
No response so far. Someone please help!! How about Mark Huggett? Surely you can answer this question.

Re: R51

Posted: Wed 12. Mar 2003, 17:28
by Pim Smulders
Hi Steven,
What you state seems correct, my list of frame numbers stops at 515164. Perhaps the BMW archive can shed light on this. They advised me once on where a R51 I found in Poland had been first sold. BMW Veteranenclub you should contact. Good luck, Pim