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Rust removal

Posted: Sun 15. Dec 2002, 15:03
by Allan Atherton
Concerning how to separate the two halves of an R60/2 air cleaner housing that are rusted together ........

Here is a web site about rust removal in general:

And here is an article about using molasses for rust removal:

Molasses Rust Remover
by Peter Gibbs, Mar 29, 2001
Try this to remove rust on all steel surfaces:
Get a gallon of mollasess from your stock feed store or sugar refinery costs about $2 per gallon or from the super market ( but it costs much more ) place it in a large plastic container, I use an old wheelie rubbish bin. Then add five gallons of tap water mix well,yes you can drink it if you wish. Next thoughly degrease any rusty parts and wash off the reside. Immerse the rusted part in the solution and check periodicly. After about one week you will notice a change in the rusted parts as it disolves the rust. Depending on how deep the rust is as to how long it takes to disolve the rust. The max is about two weeks.This method will also work on frozen carbys and die cast metals BUT BE WARNED, IT WORKS QUICKLY ON DIE CAST AND TWO HOURS IS SOME TIMES TOO MUCH The best part is that you have no fear of the kids getting into it and it is safe to dispose on the garden or down the sewer. I have used this method to remove rusted diesel injectors from marine engines and to disolving rust on the thread of a two hundred year old violin bow. It has also worked in removing the shock absorbers from the aluminium holders on my R50s. Want to remove the rust from your gas tank use a quart of mollasess fill with water as before check etc, when finished flush out the gunk with fresh water,shake out all the drips and the best part dosent strip of the original paint, to prevent surface rust from appearing immeadiately , try a quart of what we call methelated spirit,its a blend of Alcohol and ethenol,I think Coleman sell something like this for lighting their catalitic heaters this absorbs the water droplets and dries quickly being alcohol no dont use MEK its volotile and real bad for your skin and lungs.

Re: Rust removal

Posted: Sun 20. Apr 2003, 21:40
by Steve Moore
I have just bought 2 sets of seat belts for a corvette and the ones from under the seat are suppose to be rusted solid. Will this work for loosening up the rust and getting rid of it and letting the retractor work again? Thanks

Re: Rust removal

Posted: Mon 21. Apr 2003, 11:45
by Allan Atherton
A message that I posted last December has mysteriously appeared again.

As for your question, it seems that if molasses will remove rust from motorcycle parts, it will remove rust from seat belt retractors. But I have only used molasses once with no effect.

I wanted to de-rust some bolts. I found molasses but all the bottles said "un-sulfured". That made me think that sulfur might occur naturally in the production of molasses, and might be a key ingredient in rust removal, but which might make it less desirable to eat. I left the bolts in the "unsulfured molasses" for two days and did not notice any change.

So then I applied Naval Jelly Rust Remover for 30 minutes, which removed all the rust. Naval Jelly Remover also comes in a spray bottle, which would be good for spraying into the concealed areas of your seat belt retractors.