Cracked barrel

Restoration forum
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graham sidey

Cracked barrel

Post by graham sidey »

I have a R27, the engine of which has been well and truly 'hybridised' during its life as a missionaries hack in Tanzania. The barrel (r27) has a 10mm crack running vertically from the edge of the scallop in the bottom of the cylinder skirt. The crack is not visible on the inside running face of the cylinder. the cylinder is bored out to 69mm. Can this be repaired, can it be economically sleeved? Any ideas?
Best wishes, Graham Sidey
Gerry Douglas-sherwood

Re: Cracked barrel

Post by Gerry Douglas-sherwood »

Hi Graham,

The quickest, easiest and best solution is simply to buy another cylinder. Welding cast iron is a specialised job, more so where the material is so thin, and the results are not reliable.

Log into the numerous BMW parts suppliers for quotes and advice, you won't regret it.
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