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1966 R69S fr crank washers

Posted: Sun 20. May 2001, 01:25
by Jim
Well, after spending frustrating day not getting my crank to fit, I have a question. When I bought my bike it was in boxes, except for the engine. When I pulled the engine apart I noticed that the front oil slinger had been coming into contact with the front bearing carrier. I figured the po has mis-installed it and I could fix it when I reassembled. Tried that today, and it hit the carrier again. Oh yeah, I have the thick washer on the front, thin in the rear.

I checked the parts manual and it lists two washer for the front, one thick & one thin. But most people I've talked to have one thin one in the rear and a thick one in front. Has anyone heard of two in front (thick and thin) and one thin one in the rear? It seems that this would give me the proper clearance.

1966 R69S

Re: 1966 R69S fr crank washers

Posted: Mon 28. May 2001, 09:38
by rolf
the washers!!!
that is really a problem, the different partsmanuals shows (I think) six variants of washers combinations. No one (better:I do not know anyone)can tell you the right combinatons of washers. it depends of the type of cancshafts,frontbearingplates, crankcase and so on and the combination of it. If you have the problem of wrong position of the crankshaft(or the slinger)
you have to do it by trial.
the right washer combination is when the connecting rod is in the middle of the cylinder bore(there is a hole for the oil).
build it together , look, and replace a new washer until it is right(the middle is exactly enough by a millimeter, except your slinger comes always in contact with the frontbearingsplate)

Re: 1966 R69S fr crank washers

Posted: Thu 31. May 2001, 23:44
by Jim

Thank you for your answer. After thinking about the problem, I think I have a solution: I'm going
to measure how far off center the rods are and remove the crank and front bearing holder as a
unit. I'll then use a feeler guage to measure the gap between the front washer & bearing, add or
subtract the distance needed to center the rod and that will be the thickness of washer I'll need.

We'll see how it works.


Re: 1966 R69S fr crank washers

Posted: Tue 5. Jun 2001, 11:47
by rolf
good luck