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R26 Rear Shock Removal

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 1999, 04:05
by David
How does one remove the rear shocks from the frame of an R26. I have the rear wheel, fender, and all bolts removed, but they seem that they dont come out. Additionally, does one need to remove the rear swingarm bolt to remove the rear drive?

Re: R26 Rear Shock Removal

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 1999, 11:52
by Dave Thomas
Hi David,

It sounds like you are just trying to pull the whole shock assembly out of the frame? It should come right out
if you have removed the aluminum cap, the top nut that secures the shaft, and the big washer and top rubber bushing.
If it doesn't wiggle down out of there I wonder if you have some rust holding everything together. I'd just continue
to wiggle it and pull downward, maybe give the shaft a rap with a rubber mallet or a plastic hammer.

Yes, you need to pull the swingarm to get to a special nut at the front of the driveshaft, in order to pull the shaft
and rear drive off the swingarm. The swingarm bolt is actually 2 short, fat threaded pins that go in from either side.
If it hasn't been changed to a latter piece of hardware, the pin has 2 holes in the end that engage a tool that allows
you to turn them out. This tool is part of the original tool kit; it's one of the hook spanners and has 2 pins on the
side of one end. You may need to soak the threaded area in a solvent to loosen it up if it hasn't been moved for a while,
and you can put quite a bit of pressure on the tool, but don't hammer it because it will break the pins off. There is also
a special large hex-shaped tool with 2 pins on it that you turn with a big wrench (I don't know if Mark carries this).

Good luck with it!
