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Back camshaft bearing

Posted: Wed 29. Sep 1999, 21:50
by Ben Friedl
Hi Mark,

Try as I might, I just can't get the back cam shaft bearing out of engine housing! I've made up a puller and heated the housing with a hot air gun but it won't budge. I suspect that someone in the past has used loctite to fit the bearing. Have you come across this problem before? Can you suggest any remedies?

Many thanks

Re: Back camshaft bearing

Posted: Thu 30. Sep 1999, 00:37
by Pierre Michaud

You need to heat the housing (all of it) to 250 deg. If your wife lets you use the oven then this is best....otherwise get yourself a high temp propylene torch canister. If you sit the casing with the bearing on top side, it should just drop out by itself. If it doesn't then the previous owner probably did a quick fix job on it. In any case you really need a good torch in lieu of the hot air gun you have if you are at that stage of restoration.
Hope it works out.


Re: Back camshaft bearing

Posted: Fri 1. Oct 1999, 21:44
by Mark Huggett
Hi Ben

This is a very common 250cc problem. I see that Pierre has already given you some very good tips. The easiest way to remove it is in fact with Locktite.....
Smear a bit of bearing locktite on the end of the cleaned camshaft, and reinsert it into the motor housing. Warm up the housing in the area of the bearing, and then pull out the camshaft again. If you do it properly, it will come out easily, bearing and all.

Good luck,

Mark Huggett GmbH