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Using sidecar without correct spedometer?

Posted: Wed 6. Oct 1999, 02:12
by Jeff Klein
I am in the process of buying a 1959 R69 with factory Steib sidecar (LS200). The current owner tells me that he never replaced the speedometer but it is accurate to within about 5%. Does this sound right?

Re: Using sidecar without correct spedometer?

Posted: Wed 6. Oct 1999, 08:15
by rolf
why not?
when he doesn"t change the "Hinterachsgetriebe"
The speedometer has only to correlate
(?{übereinstimmen})with the Hinterachsgetriebe.There are so many different Speedometer translations(?{Übersetzungen bzw. Wegdrehzahlen}) for the earle-fork type and also different translations for the Hinterachsgetriebe, so it is possible, if he really changed it, that the new ones only had a difference of less then 5% for the speedometer

Re: Using sidecar without correct spedometer?

Posted: Wed 6. Oct 1999, 18:19
by Mark Huggett
The R69 in standard solo trim was fitted with a 11:35 rear axle ratio, and a corresponding Veigel speedometer, 0 - 180kph and a way-speed ratio of 0,75.
When a sidecar was fitted such as a Steib S500, the rear axle ratio was changed to 6:26, and a corresponding speedometer, Veigel or VDO 0 -160kph, way-speed 1,0.

In your case, the R69 has been fitted with the smallest of Steibs for the BMW namely the LS200. This sidecar was only factory fitted for the R24 to R25/3, 250cc single cylinder machines. Having such a small and light sidecar fitted to an R69, the question is whether the previous owner bothered to change the rear axle ratio at all. If not, and if the R69 pulls the LS200 well through all 4 gear ratios, then there is no reason to change from the original 0,75 speedometer.

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH