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overheating on r50

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 1999, 20:55
by jorge
my r50 in good restored condition,overheat the engine for about 130ยบ in 1 hour.i have check:
ignition timing
spark plug heat range and other little things.
Compression is 110 psi in both cylinders.CAN SOBODY GIVE ANOTHER THING TO CHECK??
Thanks in advance

Re: overheating on r50

Posted: Sun 5. Sep 1999, 00:58
by Allan Atherton
How are you riding when when it overheats? Are you stopped in traffic or travelling? Are you sure it is overheating? What are the indications of this overheating?

Re: overheating on r50

Posted: Sun 5. Sep 1999, 11:24
by Mark Huggett
Hi Jorge

If you have already checked all the points that you have mentioned, only other 2 points come to mind which can cause your R50 to overheat.
1. Centrifugal advance/retard governor is worn and no longer works properly causing the ignition to be too advanced. You can check this with a stroboscope.
2. Carburettors are set too lean and/or you have the incorrect main jet/air filter combination

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH

Re: overheating on r50

Posted: Mon 4. Oct 1999, 07:13
by rolf
I think Mark is right, your flywheel(?){it was to make the ignition towards to "F"} has a little leave spring to make sure that the ignition timing doesn"t get to much forward. somestimes it breaks, and so you get a Ignition to much forward(overheating,less accelaration and so on)

Re: overheating on r50

Posted: Tue 19. Oct 1999, 02:58
by peter n
Are you jorge from Berlin? If you are contact me {think R-16, do you know me)