please help here!!!! smoking r27

Restoration forum
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baruch mor

please help here!!!! smoking r27

Post by baruch mor »

my r27 started to smoke white and heavy smoke sudenly. i opened the head and saw that the head gasket burned out. the cylinder and the rings look all right ( i didnt opened the cylinder i just took a look from the head). should i just replace the gasket and clean the valves ? or should i do anything esle? please answer me qouickly as my engine open....

Re: please help here!!!! smoking r27

Post by Rainer »

I recommend to remove the cylindre also to check the piston rings.
Be careful, that no pieces of broken rings drop in your engine.
Pierre Michaud

Re: please help here!!!! smoking r27

Post by Pierre Michaud »


When you initially put the heads in did you put any "gasket goo", did you tork the head bolts to spec and or properly and were the head mating surfaces checked for warping?. It could be that the goo you used was not proper and combined with uneven tork and mismatched mating surfaces between head and cylinders that the goo melted/burnt and enhanced the gasket disintegration.
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