Unsteady speedometer needle.

Restoration forum Bmwbike.com
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Allan Atherton

Unsteady speedometer needle.

Post by Allan Atherton »

The speedometer needles are not steady on two of my old bikes - the needles wiggle a little at speeds under 30 mph. Is this caused by the speedometer or the cable?
Allan Atherton

Re: Unsteady speedometer needle.

Post by Allan Atherton »

Palo Alto Speedo says it could be due to either the cable or the speedo. They said try changing the cable first.
Pierre Michaud

Re: Unsteady speedometer needle.

Post by Pierre Michaud »

Could also be a worn speedometer drive shaft!

Re: Unsteady speedometer needle.

Post by rolf »

it could also be a dry(hard) running cable.
I oil my cables nearly every 6 months by unsrew the cable at the speedo, fill several times the cable with oil and let the oil flow.Next day screw it together, so you are sure no oil was throwing into the speedo.
nevertheless: i do not know any speedoneedle which runs quiet,they always shows a range of 5-10 km/h. Try with the oil first, it is cheaper.
Allan Atherton

Re: Unsteady speedometer needle (results)

Post by Allan Atherton »

I installed new speedo cables on both bikes:
R60/2 - the speedo had been restored, but the needle was unsteady. The cable was a new German repro cable. I removed that cable and installed a good cable as sold by Huggett.
The Huggett cable made the needle steady.
R690US - the speedo and the cable were both original from 1969. A new Huggett cable did not make the needle steady. So that speedometer needs some work.
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