Kickstarting R50/2

Restoration forum
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Kickstarting R50/2

Post by Thomas »

My R50 has a nasty habit: When kickstarting often the kickstarter is blocked so that the engine cannot be cranked over. Some playing with the clutch while kicking again will usually solve the problem until a few kicks later it blocks again. Very annoying and the kickstarter shaft is already quite deformed under the wedge.
On inspection all parts looked quite o.k. , no obvious explanation was apparent. Who can help ?
Mark Huggett

Re: Kickstarting R50/2

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi Thomas,

This problem is often caused by a worn idle gear 23 22 1 056 108 and or damaged segment 23 51 1 056 274. The first tooth of the segment is about half the height of the rest of the teeth. This is so that it can engage with the idle wheel. Often people believe that half of the tooth has been worn off and actually weld it up and reprofile it. This causes difficult engagement with the idle wheel.

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH

Re: Kickstarting R50/2

Post by Thomas »

Thanks a lot., Mark. I'll check that on the first rainy weekend in summer by openenig the gearbox. On that occasion i'll fix the jumping forward problem when letting in the clutch and the leaky flywheel seal, too....
Bye, Thomas
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