R69 Ignition time setting?

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Kjell Andersson

R69 Ignition time setting?

Post by Kjell Andersson »

Bought a R69 -58 last year and I can´t in anyway set ignition timing so it reach fully advance ignition with the manual adjuster. I havn´t done any work by myself on the ignition system so I strongly suspect that something is wrongly fitted but I can´t figure out what it is as everything works well and looks correctly fitted. Has any R68 or R69 owner or mechanic any idea where the fault is, or any idea where I can find a manual where ignintion time setting is explained as ignition setting differs on this two models from all the others.
Best regards

Re: R69 Ignition time setting?

Post by Kees »

Have a look on my webpage:

Look in the ignition chapter. There is even a picture of my R69 magneto and how to set it.

When nothing helps, your centrifugal advance unit might be worn out.

To correctly set the timing, put the manual lever into the fully advanced position. It should be 9 or 12 degrees advanced, I don't remember precisely which. But that number you can find in the BMW workshop manual,
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