R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

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R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

Post by Herbert »

Kann mir jemand einen Tip geben, wie man die Plantine ausbaut ?
Bei mir ist die Isolation bei ein paar angelöteten Kabel abgeblättert.
Allan Atherton

Re: R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

Post by Allan Atherton »

My translator does not translate Plantine. Can you describe Plantine with some more words?

Re: R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

Post by rolf »

Hallo Allan,
he means "Platine", the Pertinax thing in the headlamp where all the electric was connecting., but I think Herbert doesn`t want an answer because he doesn`t answer your question.

Re: R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

Post by rolf »

Hallo Allan,
he means "Platine", the Pertinax thing in the headlamp where all the electric was connecting., but I think Herbert doesn`t want an answer because he doesn`t answer your question.
Allan Atherton

Re: R27 Ausbau Zünd-/Beleuchtungsschalter

Post by Allan Atherton »

I understand the question is how to remove the terminal board in the headlight shell. The terminal board is held to the shell with four metal tabs that are part of the shell. There is one tab at each corner of the board. To release the board, the tabs must be bent open. To install the board, the tabs must be bent closed. This must be done carefully, because the tabs can only be bent a few times before they may break from fatigue of the metal.

The best way to remove and install the terminal board is to remove the headlight shell from the bike and hold it in your lap, upside down. This holds the shell softly and securely while you use strong and careful force with a screwdriver blade to bend the tabs.

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