R26 "Swiss edition"

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Bob Williams

R26 "Swiss edition"

Post by Bob Williams »

Does anyone have any information about a group of R26's imported to Switzerland by Drenowatz in the late 1950's/early 1960's. The bikes were factory custom, grey with white pinstripes and a chrome tank. Any information would be most appreciated.
Allan Atherton

Re: R26

Post by Allan Atherton »

Go to the bottom of the messages and click on "Threads Older Than 90 Days". Then, do a Search on the word Drenowatz. Then look at the post entitled "Re: Blue R26 in 1957". It is a message dated 31/8/1999 in which Mark provides information and a photo of the Swiss edition.
Allan Atherton

Re: R26

Post by Allan Atherton »

Mark also wrote on 24/11/2000 in reply to someone who wanted to restore a Swiss bike:

Its a crying shame to restore an original "Swiss Blue" to the conventional black. There were over 500 of these machines produced solely for the Swiss market, and unfortunately even in Switzerland these are restored in black mainly due to the new owner not knowing that the "Swiss Blue" with chromed tank and white pinstripes, was an original special limited edition. The other reason is cost. It can cost you CHF 2000.-- less to restore it in black than in its original trim with chrome. This R26 was also the first production BMW to come on the market with a Schorsch Meier bench seat manufactured by Denfeld, and a chrome sports or grab handle on the rear fender.
Don't get confused by the blue bit. It is more of a grey, and fades to only grey over the years. Protected areas like inside the headlamp reveal the original colour.
Bob Williams

Re: R26

Post by Bob Williams »

Thanks for your response! I have had a great deal of difficulty finding any information about these bikes. Do you know of any that are still in existance, where one may be located or any additional information such as serial numbers?

Re: R26

Post by rolf »

Hallo Look here:
http://www.ulismotorradladen.de/englisch/englisch.htm ,than go to "classic bike for sale", there you can see a original R26 in "postgrey".

Re: R26

Post by Rolf »

Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I've been looking for, but I hoped to find one in better condition. Still, one is better than none! Thanks again.

Re: R26

Post by rolf »

better condition? all mechanic was 0(!!) km (look at the engine casting and the rims,hubs and so on) and the paint and chrome...after 40 years? If i would buy it (and I have think about it) I would only new rechrome and the paint only restore with a brush.
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