Charging problems during night rides.

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Charging problems during night rides.

Post by Alvaro »

I own a '60 R50. During night rides, my battery just die after some turns and stops. I'm using 6v 8 Ah, indicators (18 w), and the correct bulbs. What can I do to solve the problem?. All the charging system is original.
Mark Huggett

Re: Charging problems during night rides.

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi Alvaro!
First have the battery tested to see if it is healthy and can accept a charge. If OK, check to see that the carbon brushes are good and are making good contact with the commutator and not that they are bouncing about. Connect a voltmeter to your generator while the engine is running to find out how much it is charging. It should be about 7,2 volts. If it is less, either the voltage regulator is defect or the armature or both. If you feel unsure to go further when these steps don't solve the problem, consult an auto electrician. He can then test the voltage regulator and the armature. If one or both of these are defect, they have to be replaced. Often, when the voltage regulator fails, the generator starts over loading by charging full power in access of 9 volts which causes battery damage (cooking!) and the armature overheats, melts all the solder contacts and can even burn out. You will find both these parts in our on-line catalogue.

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH
Charles Gaubin

Re: Charging problems during night rides.

Post by Charles Gaubin »

I need parts of an BMW R50 and I would like to know where can I buy them.
My neview lives in atlanta and he can recive them his mail is
I live in argentina and he will shipp them here.
I need a : 6 volts voltage regulator.
-Chain and crown of acceleration gas with handle tube ( handle acceleration sistem ).
-¿Do you have a catalog where I can found Nº of parts?
- Thank You a lot.
Charles Gaubin
Prosper Keating

Re: Charging problems during night rides.

Post by Prosper Keating »

Good advice from Mark, who saved me from blowing a dynamo armature up once! If the charging system is OK, try riding about town in a lower gear to keep the generator turning fast enough to feed the lights and the indicators. Or junk the indicators. They take a lot of current and car drivers don't pay attention to them anyway. Contrary to popular belief about German technology, Bosch charging systems were never much good, especially around town. Good thing the Series 2 has a magneto! Everything electrical on my R60/2 is in perfect condition and I still have to run on the pilot light sometimes after extensive night riding in town.

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