bent frame

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Peter Schildhause

bent frame

Post by Peter Schildhause »

I bought an R69 about a year ago and everything I do doesn't stop it from riding poorly
It goes to the left and right as I travel. Finally have concluded it has a bent frame. When
rear tire is vertical, the front isn't. I can't isolate the bend as it has been probably reweld-
ed and painted but I suspect it's at the triple head fork attachment area. Three questions-
1) doe anyone in US do any kind of frame alignment?? 2 I have a r/60 parts bike-can I swap f
frames easily?-my r 60 has no vibration damper so the front engine shroud is of the short
variety and won't hit the back of the Earl Fork 3)is there someone who will trade an r69
frame for my R60/2 frame from the parts bike if there are differences that matter

Paul Evans

Re: bent frame

Post by Paul Evans »

1) doe anyone in US do any kind of frame alignment??

Yes. Talk to Vern Fueston at GT Enterprises:

He straightened my Earles fork, and I'm happy with the work.
He has patterns and tools for the old BMW frames and forks.
Good luck - PCE
Allan Atherton

Re: bent frame

Post by Allan Atherton »

Yes, you can put an R69S motor and drive train in an R60/2 frame - the frames are the same. And the bulge in the R69S front cover should not interfere with any frame it may come very close to the unflattened swingarm brace on some forks, but not hit it. If you junk the bent R69S frame, you should switch the ID plate from the R69S frame to the R60/2 frame, so the numbers still match.
Be sure the R60/2 frame is good!
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