Front fender numbered license plates

Restoration forum
Pierre Michaud

Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Pierre Michaud »

I know this subject has been covered before but nothing has really transpired from it.Does anyone know of a supplier of these plates and whether custom numbers and letters can be embossed on them?
Stephan Schneider

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Stephan Schneider »

In some countries the MVD does not provide the owner of a vehicle with the actual licence plate, but only with a number. The actual licence plate then can be made at specialized stores. This is the case where I live (Indonesia). This system gives me a great choice in looks (font, style, material). In Indonesia, cycles also need to have plates on the front. Usually the front plate is a standard plate (same as used on the back). I have seen some people having special plates made, curved along the shape of the front fender, just as shown on Mark's Logo on the top left corner of this screen.
Pierre Michaud

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Pierre Michaud »

Thanks for feedback.In the UK this is the case where numbers are issued and plates are drawn using third party materials and specified font sizes and reflective honeycome backgrounds. I just thought that someone could direct me to an internet connection that specialize in this sort of thing (embossing on a custom circular metal plate was not something that was ever done in North America to my knowledge....mainly a European custom). I guess if I look around, I can probably find one in Montreal! Our Quebec license plates are made by convicts in jail. There I know they would have the tooling!
Stephan Schneider

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Stephan Schneider »

There's your solution. Commit a crime, get caught, go to jail and MAKE YOUR OWN PLATE!

The easier way might be to open Yahoo, select Autos, then select Licence Plates. There, or in one of the sub-categories presented, you might find what you are looking for.

If your bike has an Earles Fork, you might want to reconsider... Some guys here in Indonesia did put this type of licence plate on the front fenders of their R26 / R27, and ended up with a smashed headlight...
Pierre Michaud

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Pierre Michaud »


Actually I have designed a circular bracket (black powdercoat) that secures across the 2 bolts on top of the Earles fork shocks. I saw one fixed to an R50 in a book I had and thought it looked pretty cool sitting in that spot. Now I am looking for a stamped metal plate that reads BMW R69S. I have made an extensive search but only found plastic plates to date!
Roger Newark

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Roger Newark »

There are manufacturers of original style embossed number plates (front & rear) who advertise in the UK classic M/C magazines, such as "Old Bike Mart" & "The Classic Motor Cycle". If you have problems in contacting one, I am sure I can find out more details for you.
Pierre Michaud

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Pierre Michaud »

Thanks Roger, I already contacted them to find out if they have the circular type. They have a classic car plate that would fit the ticket but unfortunately it is straight and of course too large.
Stephan Schneider

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Stephan Schneider »


The plate is for an R69S - Again, I recommend to reconsider. With the Earles Fork, the front suspension causes the wheel to swing 'back'. If you have that plate mounted on the front fender and then hit a pothole, you might end up with a broken headlight, broken licence plate or even damage to your front fender.
Pierre Michaud

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Pierre Michaud »


The circular plate bracket is not on the fender but secured across the two upper front shock bolts (perpendicular to fender). My springs are for sidecar riding and there is no way in the world that even compressed to max that the fender would even touch the bracket. In any case, I am surprised that the guys you are referring to who had their front lights smashed due to hitting a large pothole actually lived to tell their tale! I guess the potholes in Indonesia are fairly big compared to the ones we get in NA.

Thanks for the concern,

Dave Thomas

Re: Front fender numbered license plates

Post by Dave Thomas »

Pierre, you still might want to fully compress the front suspension to check clearance first.
You can use a ratcheting tie-down or something to completely compress it. When I bought my R26,
the front springs were fatigued and the shocks were shot, and there was a big ding on top of the
fender from contact with the headlamp rim retaining screw, which is about 3" higher than the shock
mounting bolts. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with it.
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