Installation marks on R5//2 Magneto

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Jerry Cook

Installation marks on R5//2 Magneto

Post by Jerry Cook »

There is a small Dot stamped into the magneto next to one of the alignment marks. Does
anyone know what the Dot is for.

I was told that the Magneto must be installed with the Left Cylinder on a compression stroke.
and the line with the Dot must be on the TOP.

The SERVICE Manual does not mention this Dot. only that the flywheel must be on the
S mark and the line on the magneto at the top.
Dave Thomas

Re: Installation marks on R5//2 Magneto

Post by Dave Thomas »

Go to Craig Vechoirik's website (Vech Tech), which you can also link to from the Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners Club. E-mail me if you need the URLs.
Vech addresses the issue of timing the magneto at his site. Good luck with it!

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