Air Tubes for R51/2 - Wanted

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Yiorgos Koutroubas

Air Tubes for R51/2 - Wanted

Post by Yiorgos Koutroubas »

Hello there. Need both air tubes for the R51/2. The tubes for this model do not interchange with another so please... only R51/2 tubes. Thanks a million,
My e-mail is
George Koutroubas

Re: Air Tubes for R51/2 - Wanted - Got them... Thanks !

Post by George Koutroubas »

Thanks for Peter from Australia.
Mark Huggett

Re: Air Tubes for R51/2 - Wanted

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi George,

Small correction to your statement about the R51/2 air tubes being unique. This is incorrect. They are the same as the R51/3 with the identical part number namely:
11 61 0 043 124 left hand side
11 61 0 043 125 right hand side

You were lucky to find some.

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH
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