Indicator switch problems

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Colin Anderson

Indicator switch problems

Post by Colin Anderson »

I am having problems installing this item on a magura clutch lever. The cables exit from the LEFT hand side of the switch and interfere with the handgrip. It seems logical that the cable exit should exit from the Right side of the switch. The switch itself is a replica purchaed from Mark. Am I being stupid or is there some fiendishlt clever way of installing this correctly?

Re: Indicator switch problems

Post by rolf »

Hallo Colin,
I don`t hope you are stupid ;-) , but as I remember was the place for the indicator switch the gaslever. The switch for horn and lights come on the side of the clutchlever .
I`m afraid you have the problem of not having these very rare gaslever (with fixing points for a switch). I hope we both speak about a Earles BMW.
Allan Atherton

Re: Indicator switch problems

Post by Allan Atherton »

I understand you have a turnsignal switch. They mount on the the throttle armature, not the clutch armature.

To receive a turnsignal switch, the throttle armature should be the kind that has a flat area with a hole tapped. You mount a switch holder or base on this flat area using a screw into the tapped hole. The left side of the holder has a hole for the harness which comes as part of the switch. You threat the harness through the hole and secure the switch to the holder with two little cheese-head screws. Here are the parts that I used:

Bosch turnsignal switch 61 31 1 351 219
Switch holder (base), plastic 32 72 1 230 878
Switch mounting screw R 07 11 9 907 101

My throttle armature did not have a flat area for the switch, so I got another used armature.

Here is a web page at Bench Mark Works about adding turnsignals:

Note that it describes the same switch and base parts that I used, but the part numbers are different. Perhaps this is because I used Bosch and Bench Mark Works uses Hella.

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