Looking for R51/2 rear fender

Restoration forum Bmwbike.com
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George Koutroubas

Looking for R51/2 rear fender

Post by George Koutroubas »

Last of the major missing pieces.
any help would be appreciated.

Mark Huggett

Re: Looking for R51/2 rear fender

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi George

The original BMW rear fender for the R51/3 is available from ourselves and official BMW dealers. The new BMW part number is 46 62 0 035 298 and it costs CHF 1'180.-- already baked enamel and hand pin striped. The only difference between the R51/2 and R51/3 rear fender is that the R51/3 fender has an internal cable tunnel whereas the R51/2 cable was attached to the outside of the fender by small clips.

Best regards,

Mark Huggett GmbH
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