Plunger frame-rear suspension

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Philip Vergison

Plunger frame-rear suspension

Post by Philip Vergison »

I'm in the process of restoring an R68 and have reached a dead end with the removal of the 4 spring covers (painted black) that form part of the rear suspension units. I presume that the small holes in the bottom of the larger covers are there to allow access to the end of the respective springs so that they may be tapped and consequently unwound, thereby releasing the large spring. The smaller, lower spring covers however give no clue as to how they can be removed. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Geoff Curtis

Re: Plunger frame-rear suspension

Post by Geoff Curtis »

Hello Philip, Yes you are right about the small hole in the cover, this works fine if the end of spring is in line with hole but I have found it seldom is in line, if it,s not too tight you may be able to turn cover to find spring end, they are usually extremly tight and cant,t be turned. Many times the cover is ruined by time it can be removed. If spring is ok I prefer to clean up and mask it for painting in place.
The larger lower cover is moulded into housing so is not removeable, the smaller cover is free when you remove the vertical shaft, ( this must be removed upwards as it has a step at lower end), and remove init from frame. I also have an R68 1954, what year do you have?There is an official C spanner for the spring job MATRA # 284.
Regards Geoff in OZ.
Stephen Ascherl

Re: Plunger frame-rear suspension

Post by Stephen Ascherl »

Philip...sometimes heating the cover will allow you to turn it so that the hole lines up with the spring, or you can just mask and repaint as Geoff suggests, or you can just cut the cover off and replace with the very nice reproduction cover from Mark.
Philip Vergison

Re: Plunger frame-rear suspension

Post by Philip Vergison »

Thanks guys for the responses. Managed to free up the larger covers so that the springs could be released. The smaller covers I've left in situ. As suggested, the surrounds will be masked so that the black paint can be sprayed on.

And Geoff, the bike is a 1954 model. Can't wait to ride it!


Re: Plunger frame-rear suspension

Post by rolf »

Hallo Philip,
if I understand you right: these little cover isn`t removable, it is welded in the alloy.
it is the 2. cover coming from the bottom.
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