Earles fork front brake

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Jon Kent

Earles fork front brake

Post by Jon Kent »

My R69S has a good condition, skimmed drum. Brake linings were renewed 4000 miles back.
It has never performed properly, despite careful adjustment, It has these problems.
1.If the front lever is adjusted with the small eccentric tab and locknut on the backplate, so that the shoes are JUST off the drum, then when the bike is used, and the drum heats a bit, it starts binding.
2. It is not very effective when cold, but if the brake is applied several times, then it grabs worse and worse.
3. It squeals when applied.

My opinion (non expert!) is that the linings are defective (too hard or bad materiel)
Any ideas?
Mark Huggett

Re: Earles fork front brake

Post by Mark Huggett »

Hi Jon

It sounds like a typical brake shoe material problem. The majority of vendors sell taiwanese material to fit physically but don't fit the application. The material off real which is bonded tends to be too hard as it is concipated for modern day vehicles with servo assistance.

This is why we had the brake pads made to original spec by Ferodo exclusively for us. We also supply BMW Mobile Tradition with these.

Best regards,

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