Wanted--1956 R69 Carbs & Coil

Restoration forum Bmwbike.com
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Ben "c"

Wanted--1956 R69 Carbs & Coil

Post by Ben "c" »

I am restoring a 56 R69
i can not find carburetors or a coil.
if anyone knows or has these parts and wanted to sell. please e-mail me @ bcni888@aol.com.
thanks for your help and support!
Stephen Ascherl

Re: Wanted--1956 R69 Carbs & Coil

Post by Stephen Ascherl »

Bing carb 1/26/9 and 1/26/10 as used on the R68 and R69 may be difficult to find, but any 26 mm intake bing carb, from an R50S or more likely R69S will fit an R69 head and intake, and thus be used if jets are changed to R69 specs
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